Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Almost at the conclusion

Hi all
It is a while since I posted anything on my blog but Dana and I have been working away at our final report.   He will not participate tonight as he is unwell but we hope to post our work next week.   How is everybody else doing.  Both Dana and I have been heavily tied up with students sitting their examinations either preparing them for them or marking the final results which all have deadlines.  Hence the lack of particpatioin on the blog.  I have looked up some material related to evaluation from overseas.  One article by Fetaji & Fetaji (2009) discusses a multidimensional evaluation of elearning using a qualitative research design and comparative analysis of factors that can effect student learning utilising two LMS - ANGEL and Moodle - Doies anyone have any experience of the ANGEL LMS?   This is an interesting report identifying factors that most of us would know about such as learner styles, culture, skill level , teacher effectiveness, intelligence variation, communication styles etc.  This report was located as an Electronic Journal of e-learning, 7(1) 1-84) but I could not find a tital except it focused on evaluation of elearning.
HOpe everybody is making good progress.  Louise